• Vote in the 7th Annual AHA
    Today’s Twitch Show
    • February 11, 2025,8:00 pm
      ZeroPage Homebrew

      Featuring 7th Annual Atari Homebrew Awards Nominee Play through


      Play through of the four part of five nominations of the Atari Homebrew Awards:
      Atari Lynx WIP
      Atari Lynx Completed (Original and Ports)
      Best Atari Packaging


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here is where our HSC contest is at as well other club news can be posted.

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Atari Jaguar Festival

Information on Atari Jaguar Fest from the fist one in the US in 1994 to current. Celebration Atari Jaguar systems

Community Calendar

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Current events can be seen above

AVC Online Network

This is where we have list of Twitch streams including AVC Live
A featured Twitch show will be shown on its broadcast day above

AVC Games

This is where our High Score contest is at.
in the past we only did 2600 homebrews starting this year we will include 7800 homebrews.