The Table below tells you what each newsletter has
AVC Online NewsletterSent out monthly
- Club News which includes
- Web site updates
- chat room times
- Twitch shows
- Upcoming events
- Cafepress shop sales
- VGS shop
- Coming Soon AVC and Jagfest shop items
HTML version contains imagesavailable on this website after it is sent
Video Game Summit Public NewsletterSent out when there is news on show
- Video Game Summit News which includes
- Vendors
- Game area news
- Tournaments
- Guests
- Giveaways
HTML version contains imagesavailable on the VGS website and posted on social media when sent
Video Game Summit Vendor NewsletterSent out when there is news on show
- Video Game Summit Vendors news which includes
- Vendors
- Game area news
- Tournaments
- Guests
This has more details then the public version only sent to Vendors and or sponsors who sign up.
This N/L only has textnot posted on VGS website or social media