Mailing list Migration News

 Yahoo Groups closed on Dec 15th,2020 List migrated
to Mail chimp.


On Dec 15,2020 all yahoo groups have shut down and list has migrated to Mailchimp
due to the list from yahoo being too much we are asking people to join via the link to sign up page in menu above.

List changes:
The MailChimp list is announcements only will have 3 newsletters sent based on the following tag

Atari Video ClubAVC News- AVC Newsletter

This is the main list(covers everything
for AVC Online chat schedules,cafe press sales and VGS news as well as other AVC online news)
Now an option not automatic

Video Game SummitVGS News- VGS Newsletter-Public

Video Game Summit Specific news which is updates on the show  guest,ticket sales and events etc.

Video Game SummitVGS News- VGS Newsletter-Vendors

Video Game Summit News that’s for vendors booths available and other show news specific to Vendors

Discussions can be done via the following channels:
